treatment plan

Advantages of a Surrogacy Agency

Surrogacy arrangements tend to be overwhelming on many levels, and may involve a variety of emotional, medical, financial and legal issues. However, with the proper team in place, it is really the right journey to build a happy family!

As a surrogacy agency in charge, Parents Life has the capability to select IVF clinic specifically for your treatment plan. Understanding the market well, we may not only recommend the strongest IVF clinics, but also indicate those that are in a weaker position or even use dubious processes. Because we know key medical staff in IVF clinics we are collaborating with, we can recommend the one suites the best for your particular treatment plan. This way you can be assured of the highest-level service even in cases when the OB/GYN doctor, who is a very good specialist in treating conditions that you have, changes IVF clinic – we will be able to follow up and direct you to the right place.

After all, Parents Life is on your side! We are independent and do not belong to any IVF clinic. It means that Parents Life will control the IVF clinic during your treatment plan, making sure that the best practices are rigorously followed and the best staff works thoroughly on your case. This of course allows us as a surrogacy agency to have a higher success rate and a positive “word of mouth” effect from our happy intended parents worldwide. This also means that we will use strict criteria before actually accepting your egg donor and/or a surrogate.

Our physicians with PhD in OB/GYN will always provide a “second opinion” concerning the right treatment plan for you, in addition to the opinion from IVF clinic. Additionally, in case of a surrogacy, we will closely follow your treatment plan during the whole pregnancy. Therefore, if there is an urgent situation at three o’clock in the morning, our staff will be there to resolve it, maintaining a healthy pregnancy. We of course will arrange for traveling of a surrogate and her medical screening (always with a “second opinion”). We provide our own psychological screening and support of a surrogate by a licensed professional in psychology, and we will relocate a surrogate to Kiev from the 24th week of the pregnancy to be able to monitor her more closely. Our physicians will also be present during the child’s delivery in the maternity ward at the maternity hospital. We will also take care of all logistical and administrative issues related to a surrogacy process – which include finding accommodation for a surrogate and the intended parents, dealing with all legal issues at the maternity hospital and at the Civil Registry Office (ZAGS) concerning the registration of the birth certificate.

While there are many incredible egg donation and/or surrogacy agencies that do provide invaluable plans to their clients, there are also incompetent ones as well as those that resort to intentional fraud and criminal practices that can result in extreme frustration, emotional distress and financial loss. A professional surrogacy agency does not simply find surrogates from around Ukraine, but additionally functions as a facilitator for the whole surrogacy process. This could, and frequently will, result in relieving a remarkable quantity of stress and confusion for the intended parents.

When looking for a surrogate solo, you might not be aware of warning flags to consider in finding a surrogate. Experienced agencies and facilitators often hear all of the tricks, and are aware of warning flags once they appear. This can help you save time, money and headache, which will more than compensate the extra agency fee.

An excellent contribution of a surrogacy agency is that a surrogacy agency behaves as an intermediary between the intended parents and a surrogate. The connection between parties is not just a business deal, but also a part of an emotional endeavor. Discussing financial and business terms between the intended parents and a surrogate could be uncomfortable as well as result in negative sentiments between the parties. This ought to be conducted in the most reasonable way possible. Whenever you use a surrogacy agency, a surrogacy agency should negotiate all the expenses compensated towards a surrogate so the intended parents and a surrogate will never need to discuss the money issues. This allows the intended parents and a surrogate to concentrate on the final objective of the pregnancy – birth of a healthy child – without muddying the waters with financial issues.

Would you like to build a happy family? Sure, you came to the right place!

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