Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage is defined as the loss of all pregnancies detected in the intrauterine cavity. In human beings, the incidence of embryo wastage is estimated to be 30% before implantation, 30% before 6 weeks of gestation (biochemical pregnancy loss), and 10-15% of clinical pregnancies (miscarriages, mainly before 12 weeks of gestation). The accidental recurrent miscarriage rate can be estimated as a common clinical miscarriage rate, i.e. 10-15%. Patients with a history of recurrent miscarriage require screening for the risk factors for miscarriage. Read more

Unexplained Infertility Treatment Strategy

Unsuccessful pregnancy without a specific reason is stressful and unpleasant for most infertile couples, as well as their gynecologists. Candidates for unexplained infertility treatment are found in almost 15-30% of infertile patients who may not be able to become pregnant due to undetected causes after major fertility investigations. Candidate causes for unexplained infertility treatment are: a) oviduct dysfunction with tubal patency, incl. gametes and embryo transport disorder, as well as oocyte retrieval failure at the tube fimbria, b) fertilization failure, and c) implantation failure without organic lesion. Read more

Immunomodulation Therapy for Patients with RIF

Depending on the definition used, about 10% of the couples who were treated with in vitro fertilization (IVF) will experience recurrent implantation failure (RIF), whilst many of them who can achieve implantation, will be disappointed in early pregnancy loss. Couples, who were unable to get pregnant, though getting both immunomodulation therapy used and many high-quality embryos, want to know the reasons why they actually failed. Read more