Surrogacy Programs for Taiwanese Patients

Dear Patients,

I’m Dr. Irina, Ph.D., a co-owner and a Medical director of the international Surrogacy Agency Parents Life. Recently some of you have got to know me at a distance after I’ve posted my first message in your FB group. Others know me as I have already arranged the delivery of the surrogates’ babies and helped you become the parents of healthy children. What would I like to discuss this time? This time we will focus on trust …


我是Irina博士,Ph.D.,國際代孕機構Parents Life的共同所有人和醫療主任。最近有些人在我的FB小組發布了第一條消息後,遠遠地認識了我。其他人也認識我,因為我已經安排了代理人嬰兒的分娩並幫助你成為健康兒童的父母。這次我想討論什麼?這次我們將專注於信任…

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Ashkenazi Jewish Woman Who Desires Pregnancy

A 25-year-old female, comes to our office for her well-woman examination. We asked her if, and when she is interested in getting pregnant. She said she would like to try to get pregnant about a year since a current day. Her mother has told her that because she is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent she “needs to get tested.” She has a history of regular menses and is sexually active in a mutually monogamous heterosexual relationship. She has never had any sexually transmitted infections and has had normal pap smears. Read more

What Causes Recurrent Pregnancy Losses?

A 32-year-old female, comes to our office for evaluation after three consecutive early pregnancy losses. Her first pregnancy was an anembryonic gestation diagnosed at 8 weeks, her second an early embryonic demise diagnosed at 8 weeks, and the most recent pregnancy ended in spontaneous abortion at 7 weeks. She has had no difficulty conceiving. She had early prenatal care for the first two pregnancies. Her initial prenatal visit for the third pregnancy was scheduled several days after the miscarriage. Read more

Parents Life MD’s Appeal to Biological Parents

Dear Patients!

I know many of you personally, but for those I have not been acquainted with yet, let us do it now. My name is Dr. Irina, Ph.D., and I am a co-founder and a Medical Director of the international Surrogacy Agency Parents Life. Just a few words about me… In 1999, I graduated from the National medical university in Ukraine with a degree in “Obstetrics and Gynecology” and defended a Ph.D. thesis on Endocrine infertility. So far, I have 20 years of general work experience with 10 years of service in the maternity hospital. For over 15 years, I have been dealing with the female reproductive health and infertility management.


我個人認識你們很多,但對於那些我還沒有認識的人,讓我們現在就去做。我的名字是Irina博士,Ph.D.,我是國際代孕機構Parents Life的共同所有人和醫療主任。關於我的幾句話… 1999年,我畢業於烏克蘭國立醫科大學,獲得“婦產科學”學位,並獲得博士學位。關於內分泌不育的論文。到目前為止,我有20年的一般工作經驗,在產科醫院服務10年。15年來,我一直在處理女性生殖健康和不孕症管理問題。

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Endometrioma Cyst and Infertility

A 32-year-old woman presents to our office regarding difficulty conceiving. She and her partner have been attempting conception for 13 months. The patient reports regular every 28-day painful menstrual cycles since menarche at age 13. She reports her cycles have become more painful. Usually, her dysmenorrhea is relieved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. However, while still happening occasionally, she is more frequently absent from work during menses due to pain. She denies a history of sexually transmitted infections and prior pelvic surgery. Her partner has no children. The referring provider initiated an evaluation and sent you results of a normal semen analysis demonstrating normal morphology, hysterosalpingogram demonstrating bilateral tubal patency and normal endometrial morphology, and day 21 progesterone consistent with ovulation. Pelvic ultrasonography showed a 6.8 cm retroverted uterus with a 3.4 cm left complex ovarian cyst with a “ground glass” background and one thin septation suggestive of an endometrioma cyst. The patient previously used barrier contraception and withdrawal. She used oral contraceptives for a brief interval, but discontinued them due to side effects. Read more

PCOS Problem and Female Infertility

A 27-year-old woman presents to our office to discuss her fertility. She and her husband have been trying to conceive for the past year, and she has not yet become pregnant. She reports her menses have always been irregular, coming every 30 to 90 days and lasting about 7 days. Her last menstrual period was 8 weeks ago. Although they have been actively trying for 1 year, they have not used any contraception since their wedding 2 years ago. She denies any pelvic pain or dyspareunia. Read more

The Initial Tubal Factor Infertility Workup

A 33-year-old woman presents to our office with her husband for an infertility evaluation after trying to conceive for 18 months without success. Her husband has not fathered a pregnancy before. She has a history of regular menstrual cycles and she has used ovulation predictor kits, which turn positive around cycle days 14-16. They time intercourse appropriately. She passed tests for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and semen analysis, which were normal. Read more