affordable fertility clinic

Choosing an Affordable Fertility Clinic in Ukraine

While it is great to have options on selecting fertility clinics in Ukraine, deciding where to get medical treatment in the end can be a difficult decision to make due to the numerous fertility clinics available for ART.

Parents Life, the leading Ukrainian provider of fertility treatments to couples from Ukraine and abroad, which helps heterosexual couples and singles around the globe to navigate the world of ART, has its own rich experience on selecting an affordable fertility clinic in Ukraine. We would like to share with our patients the following brief guide on how to select the most successful fertility clinic in Ukraine.

What Characteristics Do High-Quality Fertility Clinics Possess?

Fertility clinics of the highest quality in Ukraine tend to have leaders who have created a culture of excellence through patient-centric approach. Inside their walls, it is expected that everyone on staff will pay obsessively close attention to detail.

Although some fertility clinics continue to take an outdated approach to IVF, even after it has been eclipsed by new advances, the patient-centric approach of the most successful fertility clinics is always in step with the most recent scientific advances. In fact, it is often these top-tier fertility clinics that are at the forefront conducting the most important research and making the most significant strides in propelling IVF technology forward.

The best fertility clinics in Ukraine make considerable financial investments in their IVF laboratories (and here you need to understand that such investments are not cheap) to ensure that they are “state-of-the-art,” and staff them with some of Ukraine’s most highly skilled physicians and embryologists. As a result, when their patients create healthy embryos, these fertility clinics are capable of cultivating them to their maximum potential to implant and become a baby.

High-quality fertility clinics also take an obsessively careful approach beyond the IVF laboratory, on the clinical side of care. Their physicians believe in the importance of conducting an exhaustive patient-centric workup to ensure a proper diagnosis and to identify and address any correctable impediments to the success of the patient’s IVF cycle before it begins. They have multiple stimulation protocols and tailor each woman’s stimulation to ensure that she will have her best possible yield of eggs. And finally, high-quality fertility clinics take very seriously the importance of conducting an embryo transfer that is free of trauma so that patient’s embryo (or embryos) will have their best possible chance of implanting in the uterus.

Why Is It Important to Learn How to Analyze Fertility Clinic Success Rates?

The best way for patients to assess from the outside whether an affordable fertility clinic possesses a culture of excellence is to analyze its success rates. Only fertility clinics that have success rates significantly above the worldwide average are truly outstanding. Patients should never pursue IVF until after they have conducted an exhaustive comparative analysis of affordable fertility clinic statistics. Not only can a patient’s affordable fertility clinic choice make all the difference between whether they will or will not ultimately have a baby but it can also reduce the number of failed IVF cycles they will experience or even eliminate them, together with the financial, physical, and emotional trauma that comes with them.

Understanding the Subtleties and Nuances

The public availability of an affordable fertility clinic success rates has always been a double-edged sword. Competition for patients has motivated some fertility clinics to engage in practices that put a positive spin on their success rates to attract market share, such as denying IVF to poor prognosis patients. Despite this, patients seeking treatment in Ukraine are better off than those in some other countries where patients are virtually blindfolded when choosing an affordable fertility clinic.

Thanks to the recent advances in IVF, success rates for fertility clinics have never been more difficult to interpret than today. Patients must make a conscious effort to learn how to identify fertility clinics that engage in practices that shine a favorable light on their success rates for their own financial benefit, and about the many other subtleties and nuances that are not immediately apparent on the surface of the reports.

Other Factors to Consider

Once patients narrow their focus to top performing fertility clinics, there are other factors that will enable them to make an intelligent, thoughtful, and fully informed choice. It is generally wise for patients to schedule consultations with more than one affordable fertility clinic. Although patients might expect consistency in the opinions held by strong fertility clinics, they will discover that they often differ quite dramatically in their views and in their approaches to treatment. Patients will benefit if, prior to the consultations, they become informed about how (and why) treatment approaches vary from clinic to clinic. This will allow them to arrive at the consultations armed with penetrating questions that will help them understand each affordable fertility clinic’s rationale for their views and to then reconcile them in a meaningful way.

Important factor for making a wise decision should be the ability of an affordable fertility clinic to be responsible for the entire process of infertility treatment, from the beginning to its completion. As a rule, this applies to the treatment of infertility using gestational surrogacy. In most cases, fertility clinics ARE NOT responsible for the issues not directly related to IVF and embryo transfers – they just perform IVF cycles – although they declare their provisioning of such services. Backing to the treatment of infertility using gestational surrogacy, the most important factor is the evidence of fertility clinic’s expertise in legal removal of children from Ukraine; presence in an affordable fertility clinic of a mother tongue supervisor does not mean presence of such expertise. Last but not least, behind the beautiful covers of advertising booklets translated into different languages, sometimes there is a complete lack of quality of services (QoS) in IVF laboratory; the colorful booklets have nothing to do with the quality of IVF laboratory, and even more so, the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Once patients truly understand why each affordable fertility clinic operates as it does, their instincts will help them decide which fertility clinic’s culture and patient-centric approach feels most “right” for them!

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